Capping head M14

TC M14 06

Whenever we love and believe in a project then people are working in order to view the realisation of an idea of evolving technological/functional and aesthetic elements of an individual product. 

The research and the development of individual products must move faster than the market and above all we must try to make your device free of any short-term maintenance.

M14 is born out of the continued development of the M2009 device, which has now been constructed, and will have a more robust and compact design with an interchangeable head with the M2009, including enormous improvements such as:

• the use of stainless materials from the previous generation
• development and improvement of individual components
• 2RS stainless steel bearings
• installation of sliding pins with individual surface level lubrication
• assembly system and rapid format change
• aluminium caps ranging from diameters of 18 [mm] to 38 [mm]
• available entirely lubrication free



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