
Our principal services are for final users, reseller, specialized mechanics in the sector and manufacture of capping machine.

Quickly technical - commercial feedback
Excellent value for money
High quality and precision
Custumer satisfaction


Tecnomax - Due supports the customer with a set of services that supports the design stage with customization and manufacture of special attacks, the post - sales with assistance and ordinary maintenance and/or extraordinary.
We design and create ad- hoc solutions ensuring a fast feedback and a great value to any request for production , both for small users as well as large manufacturers .


Tecnomax - Due operates in domestic and international markets executing, on prototypes, average quantities and large quantities of turning services, milling, grinding and lapping the customer's design .
Tecnomax - Due works all kinds of metal materials (from bars and fusion), plastics and special materials.


The entire department has been equipped with the latest generation machines , which allow high quality standards.
The installation of a bar feeder has enabled a further increase in productivity.

The experience and expertise of our staff , combined with a steady and meticulous maintenance of the machines , allow us to achieve high quality standards and good competitiveness.

Dimension control

Tecnomax - Due works with the traditional instruments ( durometer , height gauge , centesimal gauges , micrometers thousandth , smooth and threaded plugs , etc . ) . All instruments are subjected to regular calibrations and controls.

Maintenance and Revision

Tecnomax-Due performs service of revision and regeneration on capping head and magnetic head existing in the Market, to guarantee to the Client an efficient and productive plant.

Tecnomax-Due Srl - Via Vigentina 138-140 - 27100 Pavia (PV) - ITALY
P.IVA/Codice fiscale e Registro imprese VATID 02161350182 - Cap. Soc. Euro 10.000,00 i.v. | Phone: (0039) 0382 577378 - Fax: (0039) 0382 467084  Informativa Privacy

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